Predrag Sidjanin

SIDJANIN_I works 1969 – 1979
304 pages, 350 images
Hardback / Leather bound / Dust jacket
22 x 27.5 cm
Serbian, English
ISBN 978-919231-2-9
January 2016
Print runs three + 2 AP

ŠIĐANIN_I 1969-1979 is the monograph of artistic activity of Predrag Šiđanin in this particular period. This book, in the style of a archive, contains his works presented in a chronological order, with short descriptions of memories and the meaning behind his work. The book itself is a documentation of time, rich in: art, cooperation and the work which the artist has performed on the domestic and international art scene during the period in which he practiced conceptual art. This is the first book of the anticipated five volumes.